On the cab ride home last night after having dinner with Carly, I thought about adults.
One day I'm going to be an adult, a grownup, and I'll have many more responsibilities and complications than I have now, unless I'm really really lucky and I never have to worry about money and my children are angels.
Anyway, in the cab, I thought about the fact that cab drivers must have a life outside of cab-driving and I tried to imagine what my cab driver might do on off-days. He might try to catch up on sleep. Maybe he eats all the foods that he smells but can't dare to ask for a portion of when passengers bring food into his car . Perhaps he has a a wife, girlfriend, daughter, son or someone who he cares about and wants to spend every moment he's not driving with that person.
While thinking these unnecessary thoughts I asked myself, "why are you thinking these things?" I replied, "Because I can."
That's exactly it. Now is the time that I even have these unnecessary thoughts because I don't have anything more important or crucial to think about. When I'm an adult, I probably won't have these thoughts anymore. No more random, stupid thoughts. When I grow up, those loose screws that fill my brain with random and humorous ideas will probably become tightly fastened by all of the important responsibilities that I'll have - keeping my job, raising kids, keeping the Mr. happy, paying the bills, and etc.
Hopefully I'll never grow up and I won't ever take life too seriously.
These pictures are helping me to not take current life too seriously.

This one reminds me that even when I take things seriously, there will be people who won't take me seriously.

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